What services does IAETH offer its members?
1. Membership directory
- List of ETH Zurich computer science graduates
- Names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses
- Various online search options
2. Member surveys
- Data on our members’ occupations and salaries
- Including commentaries and analysis
3. IAETH talks
- Exclusive talks by members for members
- Followed by networking get-together
- 4-6 times per year
4. Mail forwarding
- A non-work e-mail address for life
- As many e-mail aliases as you want
- A chance to stay in touch with good colleagues over the long term
5. Monthly jobs e-mail
- Job advertisements exclusively from members for members
- Useful if you are looking for a job or looking for good employees
6. Portraits
- Featuring interesting CVs of fellow computer science alumni
7. General assembly
- Often with a guest speaker
- Discussion of IAETH’s direction and activities
- Refreshments afterwards
8. IAETH homepage and members’ portal
- Information on upcoming and past events
- Special dedicated members’ area with resources such as member surveys, portraits, etc.
- Make changes to personal details such as postal address and e-mail forwarding preferences yourself
You also have access to all of the ETH Zurich Alumni services.
Study our annual report 2015 (in German) and get an impression.